My World

 Hello... My Name is Otto Hacker I like to use the pen name shadybean, hence the tittle of this blog. I am junior at Lawrence University. I am currently living in Santa fe New Mexico with my family which gets crazy at times but, it is what it is. I find it hard for me to talk about myself because... well, I kinda don't know who I really am. i'm still trying to figure that out, although I have a rough idea of who I am I can't put that in to words, so hopefully you will get a better sense of who I am through the art I post. This is how I feel when asked to talk about myself 

I have a lot I want to say as an artist because I find it easier to express things through art than through words. In my experience art seems to touch peoples souls and change them much more effectively than any other form of rhetoric (although I consider rhetoric to be an art form). Overall what I want to do as an artist is to show that it is possible for us all to live on this planet in a peaceful, loving and sustainable way. I aspire to make art that brings attention to what wrong with the world and motivates people to work towards change.

 I recognize COVID-19 as a global tragedy, however I've come to learn that every tragedy is in some way a blessing in disguise. I spent my days in quarantine focusing on my personal development and I have become a better person as a result. I have also noticed that I am not alone, all around me and all around the world people seem to be flourishing in these troubling times. I have a feeling this pandemic has become a catalyst a worldwide awakening of sorts and that things will only get better from here on out. 

Some art that describes what I aspire to be as an artist 

Memes to give you a better idea of who I am

PS: I'm new to blogger so excuse the horrible formatting. Also none of the art above is mine but I don't have the exact information of where I found it and who the original artist are. 


  1. It is great to see people using this time as an opportunity to expand on their interests. I am quite curious on the influences and messages behind your artwork.


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